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A 3-Month Training and Group Mentorship with Tobin Zivon, Craig Wenaweser and Eli Bernstein 

January 16th 2025 - March 20 2025


The path of actually LIVING in a genuinely healthy, empowered, deeply embodied, and truly awake way can be extremely challenging… AND…attempting to do it alone in this modern day world can prove to be literally impossible!!

For these reasons, we have created what we feel is

The ULTIMATE TEACHING PROGRAM and support system designed for men who want to live in deep, conscious ways while also embodying their full potency as wholly-alive, sexually-empowered beings.


Jedi's of Life and Love

In this very unique and special cohort of the AWAKENED BROTHERHOOD, we will be embodying all of the values, principles and inspiration of previous groups, with a powerful focus on Divine Eros – the universal tantric energy that expresses itself in love, sexuality, vitality, creativity and personal power.

Our strong intention for this group is to create a tribe of the most sincere men ~ a “Dojo” of sorts ~ where you will receive:

  •  A blend of high level spiritual awakening and embodiment teachings

  • Training on how to experience true Emotional Alchemy as you navigate and evolve through the waves of Life

  • Confidence and ‘Black Belt’ level guidance in the conscious arts of “Dating, Mating and Sacred Relating”

  •  Fun, deep and catalytic masculine tantric embodiment/sex mastery skills

  •  Direct transmissions of a truly awake way of being in the world

  •  Attuned and masterful mentorship to your unique journey as a man of Truth and Love

  •  AND…a STELLAR group of soul brothers – all vetted by Tobin, Craig and Eli so you will be held in a very safe, POWERFUL container ripe for accelerated evolution and healing

What's Included

  • Three times monthly classes with Tobin, Craig and Eli (via Zoom Video Conferencing)
    Here you will receive the trainings, teachings, meditations and practices that will catalyze your life in all the ways described above.


  • Masterful Teachings and Guidance from not only TOBIN, CRAIG and ELI, BUT FROM SPECIAL EXPERT FEMALE GUEST SPEAKERS


  • Private online video community group – This is a space where we co-create deeper camaraderie, connection, trust and true support of our sacred brotherhood


  • One-on-one allyship calls You will be connected directly with a ‘Sacred Wingman’ / holding each other as brothers in arms and allies for the journey we embark on together


Total Investment
$1000–$1500 sliding scale  for a semester of support, training and profound camaraderie


(Payment plans available)

Join The Awakened Brotherhood and gain the kind of support and guidance you’ve always yearned for.

This will be a life-changing journey. And it is only for those who are truly ready and fully committed to rising to this new level of authenticity, embodied potency, and freedom in their lives, intimate relationships and beyond!


In the AWAKENED BROTHERHOOD, you will become an integral part of a community of true-hearted brothers-in-arms  ~ a SACRED ORDER ~ where we will learn, evolve and grow together on the path of embodying ourselves as “Jedi’s” in the arts of LIFE AND LOVE.


 If you are a HEART-CENTERED, conscious man, a man of high integrity devoted to living the deepest, most awakened truth of your existence…AND

You yearn to live from your full power and give your authentic gifts to the world AND

You want to express the FULL-SPECTRUM NATURE of your healthy sexual and relational potential for a life based in Being, Wholeness and FULLY expressed Love.

We cordially invite you to apply to join the next semester-long journey of training, mentorship, support and guidance on how to engage artfully as a man on a true path of embodied awakening and empowered loving in this modern day world.


There is already a truly AWESOME group of MEN signed on for this high-caliber mentorship program!



“This is a legendary brotherhood and a legendary teaching that is being birthed. I’m beyond honored and excited to be a direct disciple in this epic group of Jedi Brothers."

Eli Bernstein
Men's Group Leader

The Awakened Brotherhood has been an absolutely instrumental part of my life since the moment it began!

Surprisingly, even though it it held online.. , the container is EXTREMELY special, unique, safe, and sacred!”

Paul Kahn

Founder, 'Your Life Your Liberty'

“Working with Tobin as a mentor and men’s group leader has been one of the most transformative experiences of my entire life!”

Evin O'Cleary


“Tobin has this amazing combo of providing a true net of safety while also bringing an engaged, vibrant quality to meet the really hard stuff of being human. Tobin truly embodies the path of being part of the world while also being deeply connected to the mystery and who we truly are. I am so grateful for Tobin and all the ways he has helped me become my true self. I highly HIGHLY recommend working with Tobin. There is so much value it’s hard to describe!”

Ezra B.

“Tobin is a master and a master teacher. He is exquisite in his embodiment of the Divine Masculine… a true King… open, available, powerful, potent, incredibly stunning. I’ve never seen another man embody such a kingly, regal, essential, sexy way of being.”

Juna Mustad (Author, Intuitive, and Relationship Coach)

“I have met many teachers, healers, sages and those who were called enlightened in my life. And, I have not seen them knowing how to walk their talk in their lives as fully as Tobin does. I only hope more men can learn to be in so much depth of clarity, presence and heart. And, it’s my deep prayer for many more women to experience what it really means to be loved, honored, respected, and held as unconditionally and skillfully as Tobin does.”

~ Julia Mikk (World Renowned Workshop Leader)

Apply Now

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More Testimonials For 
The Awakened Brotherhood

"Men's work is powerful, but the Awakened Brotherhood is more than that...

Tobin's energy and mastery in the group solidifies a certain field of support that is truly catalytic!!"



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"The AWAKENED BROTHERHOOD has been an absolutely blessed experience! I feel honored to be among these awakening men!

Doing the work, opening our hearts, blowing doors!

An absolutely blessed experience!"


"It brings tears to my eyes...

This group gave me clean water and a breath of fresh air when I was in a dark and confusing place.

I'm eternally grateful!!"

Andrew G.


The fact that you’re reading this says a lot about you, & if you’re willing enough to trust a strangers words, I will share that my encountering of Tobin & Eli came at a time when it was EXACTLY what was necessary and needed in the way of assisting me in getting UNSTUCK, influencing momentum onto the path of truth and purpose that had been calling quietly from within for a very, very long time.


I’ve worked with many teachers, masters, healers in my life….

but what transpired in the Awakened Brotherhood experiences altered my trajectory in life towards embodied living and open hearted loving - of myself, others, and life as a whole.  


The support & camaraderie with the caliber of these sincerely loving, humble, courageous, experienced and REAL men is an immediate and immense assist for anyone looking to get very real in stepping into ever-evolving greater versions of themselves in accessing true, heart-oriented potential.


There are no coincidences, only fascinating synchronicities.


If you’re reading this…

THIS IS YOUR SIGN: do not pass this chance up. 


It will change your life, & benefit you as well as those all around you, in ways you cannot yet see or imagine!!!

Luke W.


 "I've been a lone wolf pretty much my whole life. My father died when I was pretty young so I didn’t really have anyone to show me the way. I feel honored to be amongst this type of quality of men. You have helped me to teach things to my seven-year-old son that I did not learn until I was 35.”

Luke P.


“Tobin is a master in this field.


There are very few people in the world that I trust to navigate the complexity and delicacy of relationship dynamics in the way I trust Tobin. 


 I confidently refer clients to him regularly, and when my wife and I are in need of support, Tobin is who we trust with our relationship.


He and this approach have my complete, 100% admiration, appreciation and validation. 


If you are looking for someone to support your relationship, he has my triple A stamp of approval!” 

Riyaz Motan 

Professor of Psychology and Therapists in the San Francisco Bay Area

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“Tobin possesses a remarkable talent for guiding individuals toward their own truths, a gift that has profoundly impacted me. In our sessions, I find myself embarking on a journey into the depths of my consciousness, comforted by the knowledge that I am in a space free from judgment, embraced by compassion and understanding."



“To say that my work with Tobin has changed my life is actually a vast understatement. 


It has so irrevocably transformed what I once thought of as “me,” several times over, in ways so remarkable and beautiful I would have never imagined.


Our work has been a gift that feels so priceless, I often feel after a session like “I would have literally traded everything I own in the world for that …” 


And all that over the phone. Amazing.“

Liam Bowler

Author of  "A Creator's Companion"


"Eli, in the short amount of time we've known each other I'm just blown away at your commitment,  devotion, and guidance you hold for yourself and others. It's absolutely mind blowing how you can transform an energy or a feeling into such poetry it shows the depth of your strength heart and knowledge. 

Tobin, you have so much wisdom and inner power to help guide and strengthen others, your calm yet have a lions energy and I love how the powers that be brought us together. You are a true gift to us all and I can't thank the two of you enough."

Steve N. 

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